What is an Encroachment?
An Encroachment is when an improvement on a property encroaches into the City’s property or Right-of-Way. It can be for a portion of a building, fence, retaining wall, shed, etc.
Homeowners have the option to remove an encroachment or apply for an Encroachment Agreement.
The cost of an Encroachment Agreement generally depends on how far the improvement encroaches into the city’s property.
Different Types of Encroachment Agreements (City of Calgary)
In the City of Calgary, if your RPR is submitted for compliance and is returned with an “Encroachment Advisory” (EA) stamp, it will be sent to the encroachments department for review. If the encroachments department decides there is an encroachment that needs to be addressed, they will provide the applicant with a summary page of the encroachment description, the classification, and the cost to remedy. There are two general categories of remedies for an encroachment, referred to as Schedule A and Schedule B/C.
In a Schedule A, the city requests an Encroachment Consent Letter. This is a relatively simple application (PDF) that can be digitally signed by the homeowner. It is filed with the city for processing and allows for a quicker turn-around to get the advisory stamp voided. The city fee for this application is $50.
In a Schedule B/C, the city requests an Encroachment Agreement. This is a more thorough document that must be physically signed by the homeowner in front of a Commissioner for Oaths. This document gets sent to Land Titles for registration. After registration at Land Titles, the city will void the advisory stamp. This process takes much longer than a Consent Letter and can cost from $200-$900.
Schedule A – Encroachment Consent Letter:
1.) Encroachments into a street
- Driveways which access lanes more than 0.34m
- Fences: encroaching not more than 0.34m,
- Portable sheds under 10.0sq.m and not encroaching more than 0.34m including eaves.
- Retaining walls not more than 0.24m in height and not encroaching more than 0.34m and where not located adjacent to above ground utility provider surface facilities.
- Non-permanent improvements -movable planters, rocks etc. under 0.24m in height
2.) Encroachments into a Utility Right of Way
- Fences not more than 0.34m, fence running through a Utility R/W bisected by a property line or encroaching to the back of the sidewalk or 1.0m from the back of curb or 1.5m from the lip-of-gutter.
- Portable sheds under 10.0sq.m
- Eaves, window wells, cantilevers, or A/C units not more than 0.14m
Schedule B – Encroachment Agreement:
Encroachments into a street or a Utility R/W (non-circulation process)
- Residential footings for buildings or structures not more than 0.34m
- Residential building eaves not more than 0.64 into Utility R/W above a height of 2.4m above grade will be authorized
- Additional driveways or parking pads adjacent to a residential road which cross over any Utility R/W.
- Sidewalks or steps greater than 2.0m in width
- Walls not more than 0.24m in height encroaching more than 0.34m and where not located adjacent to above ground utility provider surface facilities.
Schedule C – Encroachment Agreement: IF approved by Circulation:
A full circulation to the city business units and utility providers to determine the acceptability of the encroachment (anything not listed in Sch A & B). If approved, an encroachment agreement will be required. If not approved, homeowners will have to remove the encroachments.